Cheat sheet:
# Start
sudo gvm-start
# Stop
sudo gvm-stop
# Update the feed
sudo gvm-feed-update
Hit the web UI at: https://your.ip.add.ress:9392/
Make a new Kali machine on libvirt VM, lxc, lxd, proxmox, whatever, just not docker (for Kali or Openvas, too many updates that get eaten/lost/etc. and OpenVas is HUGE). sudo su -
apt update
apt upgrade
systemctl enable ssh.serviceapt install openvas
apt install gvm
(If it fails with ERROR: The default postgresql version is not 13 required by libgvmd) See fix below.gvm-setup
(should work now and update the feed etc. takes a LONG time just let it go) GET THE PASSWORD AT THE END!
Make it listen on on more than gvm-stop
(Ignore the there, it’s just in the script)
sed -ibak -e 's/' /lib/systemd/system/greenbone-security-assistant.service
sed -ibak -e 's/' /etc/default/greenbone-security-assistant
gvm-startsudo gvm-feed-update
to update the feed onlysudo gvm-start/stop
to start or stop the service
Hit the web UI at: https://your.ip.add.ress:9392/
admin and the ong password it generated at the end of the setup
gvm-setup fix: edit:
vi /etc/postgresql/12/main/postgresql.conf
vi /etc/postgresql/13/main/postgresql.conf
Look for port = in both
Make v12 5433
Make v13 5432systemctl restart postgresql
We aren’t using postgres for anything else here, so not being very careful with it
list your clusterspg_lsclusters
and drop all clusters besides 13 cluster.
eg:sudo pg_dropcluster 12 main –stop