This may or may not sum up the resume’s we get nowadays:
Flobert Unpronouncable
“Computer engineer with a general-wide focus on cloud computing technologies; specifically, on virtualization, networking, storage, security, automation,
infrastructure as code, private and public cloud offerings. Directly and indirectly involved on the design, implementation, and support of virtual infrastructure
platforms for internal, external and virtual clients, aimed generally at different entities accounting for high-availability, disaster recovery, and scalability. Currently
working on a variety of internal/external/virtual learning and development initiatives by planning and supporting diverse training events for new and existing cloud
engineering practitioners on areas of interest like networking, security, cloud migration, virtualization, containerization, automation, and public cloud
Place I worked at for a week in the 80’s
recipe for salsa
incomplete senten
tuned carb on ’67 Impala
Atention to detial!
Punctuation( ,optional( @misused]}
Place I was fired from the day I started
Buzzword buzzword
Something that happened within 30 feet of me and I’m claiming credit
22 Years experience with AWS!
Windows 9 Experience
Buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword
Lenox certiffied