Splitting big mp3’s into smaller pieces:
mp3splt -a -t 15.1 -o Saint\ Death\ -\ Mark\ Dawson-@n -d Saint\ Death\ -\ Mark\ Dawson Saint\ Death\ -\ Mark\ Dawson.mp3
mp3splt -a -t 5.10 -o Lesson_01-@n -d Lesson_01 Lesson_01.mp3
The -a tells mp3splt to auto-adjust the split point with silence detection.
The -t 5.10 tells it to make the files 5 minutes and 10 seconds long since the file is a little over 30 minutes long. (This length may vary a bit due to the -a option).
The -o Lesson_01-@n tells it to name the files as Lesson_01 followed by a track number.
The -d Lesson_01 tells it to put the files in a directory called Lesson_01.
last is input file.mp3
So: mp3splt -a -t 5.10 -o outputfilename-@n -d OutputDirectory InputFilename.mp3